Step 2- Configure SBC Device to connect to Live Platform

Before you can connect AudioCodes devices to Live Platform, you must configure the SNMP/HTTPS and WebSocket tunnel connection to Live Platform.

The Web Socket configuration on the Live Platform server should already be setup, see Networking.

To connect devices:
1. Configure SNMP on the device (Administration > SNMP > SNMP Community Settings).

2. Set parameter Disable SNMP to No.
3. Do one of the following:
a. Secure SNMP using SNMPv2 Community Read and Write strings (configure identical values as configured on Live Platform in Step 1- Add Device in Live Platform.

b. Configure SNMP using SNMPv3 user:
User Name: Create relevant user name
Authentication Protocol: SHA-1
Privacy Protocol: AES-128
Authentication Key: define and save to Notepad for configuration in Connecting Devices to Live Platform.
Privacy Key: define and save to Notepad for configuration in Connecting Devices to Live Platform.
Group: Read-Write

See SNMP Device Connection for details on SNMP connection.

4. Create a new Security Admin user for Live Platform. Navigate to Setup >Administration > Local Users.(save credentials for configuration in Connecting Devices to Live Platform). Configure the following parameters:
Password age: 0
Username: Configure relevant user name
Password: Configure password
User Level: Security Administrator
Status: Valid

5. Configure and upload incremental INI file to enable Web Socket tunnel connection to Live Platform (this step requires reboot):
a. Open the INI file below in a text editor.
;Hybrid Device Service incrimental ini - version 1.0

; Please replace the value with corresponding Live platform FQDN
; for example ‘', '', ‘', ‘'
WSTunServer = ‘<Live-Platform-FQDN>' 
; Please replace the WebSocket user and password with the one that provided by Audiocodes
WSTunUsername = '<Will be provided by Audiocodes>’
WSTunPassword = '<Will be provided by Audiocodes>’
; Please replace the <Interface-Name> with the one that exists on the Device
[ QOESettings ]
FORMAT Index = ServerName, SecondaryServerName, ReportMode, ContextName, Interface, EnableTls, VerifyCertificate, VerifyCertificateSubjectName, KeepAliveTime;
QOESettings 0 = "", "", 0, "", "<Interface-Name>", 0, 0, 0, 1;
[ \QOESettings ]

WSTunVerifyPeer = 0
WSTunServerPath = 'tun'
NTPServerIP = ''
EnableActivityTrap = 1
DisableSNMP = 0
SNMPManagerIsUsed_0 = 1
SNMPManagerTrapSendingEnable = 1
SNMPManagerTableIP_0 =
SendKeepAliveTrap = 1
KeepAliveTrapPort = 1161

b. Configure the following parameters:


-WSTunServer = '<Live-Platform-FQDN>'

-WSTunUsername = '<provided by AudioCodes>'

-WSTunPassword = '<provided by AudioCodes>'

-<Interface-Name> (QOE Settings)

c. To send SIP messages and QoE Voice Metrics reports to Live Platform (for monitoring SBC calls), add the following:
d. Navigate to Setup > Administration > MaintenanceAuxiliary Files > INI file (incremental)
e. Browse to the file, Load, Save and Reboot device.
f. Open the Web Service Settings page (Setup menu > Web Services folder > Web Service Settings). Following device reset, the device is connected to Live Platform. Note that the parameter settings in the Incremental INI file are applied and that the public IP address of the Live Platform server is displayed.

g. Open the Time & Date page (Administration > Time & Date). Note that the NTP server is configured in the subnet of the Live Platform server.

6. Open the Quality of Experience Settings page (SetupSignaling and Media > Quality of Experience Settings). Verify that the highlighted parameters are configured.

7. Open the Logging Settings page (TroubleshootLoggingLogging Settings). Verify that the 'Call Flow Report Mode' is enabled.